The fighting in Iraq has lasted roughly a year and half longer than our involvement in World War II. The military is still in conflict with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden has not been captured. In addition to the global war on terrorism, the United States sends troops to countries in need of relief and aid. Thousands more are stationed in the United States, ready to act if the country is attacked. In the fiscal year of 2007, 80,407 people joined the Army, 37,361 people joined the Navy, 35,603 people joined the Marines, and 27,801 joined the Air Force (Baker III, 2007). It takes an aggressive marketing campaign to enlist young men and women in these numbers. The Department of Defense has requested $3.3 billion (from a total budget of $515.4 billion) to spend on recruiting for the fiscal year 2009 (Hellman and Sharp, 2008). Many are familiar with the television commercials stressing their “Army Strong” theme and the website they encourage you to visit, I see these commercials mainly during sports programs or on MTV. Obviously, the aim is to reach the demographic of young males. The cultural influences on this generation is quite different from the cultural influences on previous generations. This generation has spent a larger fraction of their leisure time playing video games. Realizing this, the Army developed a military shooting game called America’s Army on a $7 million budget (Downing, 2004) and released it for free in 2002. The game first came out for the PC, but new installments of the game have been released for both the PC and gaming consoles since then. The developers of the game worked closely with the military to make the game as realistic as possible. In an interview with a gaming website, the director of the game Chris Chambers said, “The goal for the America’s Army game is to communicate with civilians the roles, opportunities and values within the U.S. Army” (Callaham, 2006). The game has 8 million players who have registered through the game’s website (Schiesel, 2008) and about 33% of recruitment aged people have come into contact with the game (Downing, 2004).
The game has sparked debate about whether a game should be used as a recruiting tool. Does this video game accurately depict what military life is like? Do we want gamers to be soldiers? What effect does exploring a virtual world have on cognition and the ability for kids to make real-life decisions? Perhaps it is simply a cheap way for the Army to get its name out and has no greater marketing effect than giving away free U.S. Army t-shirts. These are important issues to be raised for two reasons: from our country’s perspective, we should have an army that consists of men and women who will represent the values of our country, and on the individual level, no one should make the sacrifice of serving the country unless they have used the right resources to make a mature decision. Through my experience of playing the game, reading about video games in relation to learning, and surveying others in the Army who have played the game, I have found evidence suggesting that America’s Army is a useful tool for introducing young adults to the military and does not negatively impact their decision making processes. The areas that I have focussed my research on are the realism of the game when compared to the experiences of a real life soldier, the online gaming community as public forum, the impact the engaging virtual worlds of video games have on learning and cognition, and lastly, how much effort gamers put into learning about the military outside of playing video games.
Though a video game will never be a 100% accurate simulation, this is the most realistic military game I have played. The weapons, vehicles, and equipment are actual Army weapons, vehicles, and equipment. The realism is the result of tireless research. The deveolpers used their connection with the Army to visit traing camps and to practice skills such as parachute jumps (Zyda, 2003). During online play, even though there are two teams, both sides always have the perspective of a U.S. Army soldier while the opposing team are enemies. the charachter has no special abilities that a real soldier would have; therefore, in order to survive you must use the tactics of real-life soldier. Unlike other shooting games like Halo or Half-Life, the player is never alone and must communicate and strategize with their teammates. But gamers are not soldiers, so how do they know how to behave like one? In all video games, the method of trial and error is essential. Players subconsciously learns the effectiveness of guns and tactics by the failure and success of thousands of encounters with their virtual enemies. Practice will teach players that is best to shoot the automatic rifle in short bursts, and that finding cover is essential. If a player does not follow the internaitional warfare laws, America's Army kicks the player out of the game. Also, consistent with the experience of a real life soldier, part of the game is basic training. This part of the game is as realistic as the combat portion of the game. A young man who played the game saved a victim of a car accident by applying the medical training he learned in the game. The basic training goes beyond using guns because it also includes topics such as how to provide medical assistance and marksmanship. It also introduces the values in the Army: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.
Even when games fall short of realism, gamers discuss these issues in online forums. For instance, I came across a forum on the official America’s Army website where players were able to talk directly to the developers. One gamer started a discussion topic called “How about realistic ballistics?” where he asked, “When shooting long range, knowing your drop and drift is really important, but in (America’s Army) it's hold dead on. How about some way to compensate for distance and wind conditions in the next (America’s Army)?” The next post is from a person affiliated with the army: “95% of all engagements take place under the 300 meters all soldiers zero their rifles too, so bullet drop would have little to no effect. And we have no way of telling us which way the wind is blowing or how hard it's blowing.” The gamer was aware of the fact that wind was absent in the game and wondered if it could be included in the next game. The person affiliated with the army told him that in actual combat that wind is rarely a factor. This is significant for four reasons. First, the gamer was thinking about the realism of the game and was curious enough to ask. Second, his comment was viewed by many other gamers online, many of whom responded with their own comment. Third, his question was answered by someone who can give him an accurate answer. Fourth, even minor issues such as wind were taken into consideration when developing the game. These informal questions and answers also occurred while playing the game over the internet. Since online gameplay is team oriented, most players talked about strategy. Which weapons are most useful, where is the best area for cover, and when it is best to rush the enemy or camp. Certainly, the tactics in real warfare are more advanced, yet there is no other place where non-soldiers can manipulate combat scenarios.
People are concerned with the psychological effects that playing video games have, and whether these effects might cause kids to join the army for the wrong reasons. All forms of media have a cultural impact. Should kids learn about the military only through reading about it in history class, watching Saving Private Ryan, and visiting Critics of the game point out some key differences between video games and other media. Author Diane Levin says, "America's Army taps into so many of the longings of a boy who is coming of age. (If they join the Army) they'll be part of a group outside their parents. They'll feel powerful and important. They'll be masculine and attractive. The game is working to create an image that bypasses the mind and gets to the soul" (Levin, 1998). I agree with this statement because I had similar feelings while playing America's Army. However, this argument is weak for several reasons. The emotions that this game generates are consistent with the rest of the Army's advertising campaign. Television commercials depict men who are strong, attractive, heroic, and driven. This is not wrong. All decisions are based partially on emotion, and wanting to be seen as a hero is normal. In comparison to other shooting games, America's Army does not glorify violence. There is a point system based upon honor rather than getting the most kills. If there is a group of recruits who enlisted to live out their violent fantasies, these fantasies were caused by other games (assuming they can be traced to video games in the first place).
Another concern is that America's Army reaches too young a demographic. The game has a teen rating, but it can be downloaded on the internet by anyone. It is played mostly by teens and twentysomethings. Susan Linn, a psychologists and author reasons, "There should be different standards about marketing to kids. The frontal cortex of the brain, where judgment sits, doesn't fully mature until the late teens or early 20s. (Kids) tend to be more swayed by emotion because of that''(Ryan 2004). Again, this is not really a criticism against America's Army, rather it is a criticism against the Army's larger marketing strategy because there are plenty of kids who watch sports on television too; they probably have had exposure to the army from this medium before they started playing videogames. This argument sounds similar to attacks on cigarette and alcohol companies, but when kids get exposure to the military there is no "harm" done until they reach enlistment age anyways.
On the surface, the recruiting objective of America's Army is consistent with the rest of their marketing strategy. But maybe the reason people attack the game and not commercials is because the game is more powerful. There is more interaction involved in video games, so it should be examined seperately from other forms of media. Gamer and author James Paul Gee examined this idea in his book What Video Games Have to Teach us about Literacy and Learning. He too sees video games as a form of media that can be more powerful than video, text, or audio. Video games are not distracions or distortions of the real world. Instead, they are a part of the real world where learning can take place. He identifies 36 learning principles that are practiced when playing video games; four of them are especially relevant to America's Army. First is what he calls the semiotic domain principle. Learning involves recognizing relationships between differnent objects and symbols. The military is semiotic domain. When a player associates recoil with firearms, he has learned something through the semiotic domain principle. Another is the "Psychosocial Moratorium Principle" that he borrows from Eric Erickson. This occurs when people are able to behave in a place where there are low levels of consequences. Obviously, a gamer has no risk of getting killed, yet there is still a feeling of accomplishment during the gaming experience. Next, he identifies the probing principle: acting on the world, discovering its rewards and consequences, forming a hypothesis, and acting on the world in a new manner. Reading does not support the probing principle because there is only one action and one outcome. Finally, the affiinity group principle states that individuals learn best when they are surrounded by others who share their interests and goals. The online gamers playing America's Army is an affinity group similar in some ways to platoons.
Since video games meets the criteria of so many learning principles, James Paul Gee has shown playing a video game often is more engaging than reading or watching a video. Furthermore, America's Army has real military elements placed in the game, so gamers are not learning within a fantasy world even though it is a simulated one. But what if too much learning takes place in America's Army? Even if there are things to be learned playing the game, people play video games so much that they probably never read or talk about the military outside of the America's Army community. I did not find this to be the case when I interviewed some young men in the Army. Some had played the game habitually, and others had only played the game once or twice because they preferred other shooting games. The common theme I found in my interviews is that nearly everyone had done a lot of research (outside of playing video games) about the Army before enlisting. The most common forms of research were reading material that was online or received through the mail and talking to recruitment officers and peers who shared an interest in the Army. For most, the period when they first investigated the Army to the time decided to enlist was over six months. Each of their paths that led them to the Army were unique, but none of them took their decision lightly. They all knew that joining the Army would change their lives and invested enough time to be well informed about their decisions. Perhaps the most important responses came from the section where I asked them to briefly describe why they joined the Army, all of their answers were mature responses.
The last thing to keep in mind is the Army's ultimate objective: to recruit in a cost-effective manner. One may think that once the Army has got a young man or woman to enlist, their recruitment process for this individual has been a success. This is false. In basic training, one out of five drop out due to failed expectations of the Army. This costs the Army $2.2 billion per year because they have already spent money training this group in addition to the money spent recruiting the group. Therefore, it is in the best interest of both parties that recruits get an accurate picture of what Army life is like.
As the world of media continues to find new ways to reach all of us, it is important to acknowledge the pros and cons of having these new sources of information, particularly when the information is aimed to sell a product. Indeed America's Army is trying to sell a product, a job offering; this game gives as realistic picture of what being a soldier looks like than job interview would in the civilian world. It shows the player the many roles of a soldier, and communicates the expectations placed on those serving in the Army. Furthermore, the game is a new, yet often times more effective, medium for young people to investigate the Army. Finally, both the Army and the recruits have incentive to communicate to each other in an honest manner. Using video games for something other than entertainment is a new concept. Yet the potential for education and advertising seems promising. As usual the world's strongest military force is one of the first to realize new technology.
Works Cited
Baker III, Fred W. "Services Attain Strong Recruiting Numbers for Fiscal 20."
American Forces Press Service News Articles. 10 October 2007. U. S. Department of
Defense. 7 May 2008
Zyda, Michael. "The Cyberworlds Talk 2003" The Moves Institute. 7 May 2008
Downing, Jim. "Army to potential recruits: Wanna play?" Seattle Times 7 December 2004
Callaham, John. "America's Army Interview" Firing Squad. 21 June 2006
Schiesel, Seth. "Video game evokes detachment of war" New York Times. 18 March 2008
Ryan, Joan. "Army's War Game Recruits Kids." Newcenter. 23
September 2004.
Levin, Diane. Remote control childhood? : combating the hazards of media culture.
Washington, D. C. : National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Gee, James Paul. What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. New
York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2003.
Hellman, Christopher and Travis Sharp. Fiscal Year 2009 Pentagon Spedning Request
Briefing Book. Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Military Budget and
Oversith Program. February 2008.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
DMX in Madison
I was walking back on State Street from a job interview, when a stretch white Hummer limo pulled up in front of the Overture Center. About five young guys got out of the car including one guy I thought looked like the rapper DMX. I was tempted to get closer to see this guy, but there were swarms of homeless people trying to talk to him, and I was dressed up. So I would have looked ridiculous. But then I thought it probably wasn't DMX anyway because his appearance isn't very distinctive, I hadn't heard any of his music since middle school, thought maybe he was in jail for animal abuse, didn't know why he would be in Madison when we barely have a hip-hop radio station, didn't think he would have enough money to be riding around in a limo with a posse, and I hadn't heard any advertisements for any performance. But I was wrong. I forgot about the incident until one of my friends was listening to DMX, and I told him that I thought I waw him. We looked on the internet and saw that indeed he performed at the Orpheum last week. About 400 people showed up, and the event might have lost money. The event wasn't really advertised except on facebook. The article I read said that hip-hop is stuggling in Madison because everyone is too afraid that something violent is going to happen at these performances.
I met someone at the serf who met him and he said he was "really nice."
This is my first and probably last post of a celebrity sighting.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Collaborative View of Rap Music
I was listening to "100 Million Dollars" by Birdman, Young Jeezy, and Lil Wayne, and I was going to do a celebrity news type post about Lil Wayne because I think he's cool and my friend claims to know him personally. So I was reading about some of the songs he came out and read about one of his songs "We Takin' Over," that he made with a bunch of other artists like Fat Joe and Akon. The article said that the video for this song is a rip off of " Hypnotize" which came out over a decade ago.
Rappers have always built upon each others songs. Often, it's not even subtle. For instance, this song they say "cash rules everything around me" which are the exact lyrics of Akons other songs. Some people think that rap music is unoriginal for this reason, but personally, I think rap music is more interesting when artist's develop a style and take it as far as it can go. It is easier for their style to be popularized when the same lyrics show up in different songs.
As for the videos, the similarities are pretty obvious. I think "We Takin' Over" is a cool video, but it has nothing on "Hypnotize." I don't know if Cash Money Records has a fued with Bad Boy Records, but maybe this video is a statement that they own the rap game now.
Rappers have always built upon each others songs. Often, it's not even subtle. For instance, this song they say "cash rules everything around me" which are the exact lyrics of Akons other songs. Some people think that rap music is unoriginal for this reason, but personally, I think rap music is more interesting when artist's develop a style and take it as far as it can go. It is easier for their style to be popularized when the same lyrics show up in different songs.
As for the videos, the similarities are pretty obvious. I think "We Takin' Over" is a cool video, but it has nothing on "Hypnotize." I don't know if Cash Money Records has a fued with Bad Boy Records, but maybe this video is a statement that they own the rap game now.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
McCain/Montag 08
I was doing some research for this class. Consuming a nice peice of media call E!'s Daily 10 (or something like that). They had this silly little story about Heidi Montag from the Hills giving her support to John McCain. McCain responded by saying he is happy to have her support and that he enjoys watching the show. This raised many questions for me:
-Who cares who Heidi is voting for?
-Is the real Heidi or the I'm a tv character Heidi voting for McCain?
-Is the real Heidi and the tv character Heidi the same person?
-Who is Spencer voting for?
-Why would McCain admit to watching The Hills? Maybe he is trying to prove that he has a high pop culture awareness, but I'm not sure I need a politician with a high pop culture awareness.
So many questions left unanswered.
-Who cares who Heidi is voting for?
-Is the real Heidi or the I'm a tv character Heidi voting for McCain?
-Is the real Heidi and the tv character Heidi the same person?
-Who is Spencer voting for?
-Why would McCain admit to watching The Hills? Maybe he is trying to prove that he has a high pop culture awareness, but I'm not sure I need a politician with a high pop culture awareness.
So many questions left unanswered.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thanks Nikki!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Where Have they Been?

Back by popular demand is a post on celebrities.
I was listening to the radio and was pleasantly surprised that Mariah Carey and Usher are coming out with new music. Mariah Carey, with her alluring voice that can only be matched by that of the Sirens, blessed the radio airwaves with "Touch my Body." The melody is quite agreeable; I expect this catchy little ditty to be popular with listeners of young and old. Usher's new track "Love in this Club" featuring Young Jeezy doin' some'n real big right now fo sho. KNOWWASAYIN? Dats wassup.
Anyways, Usher's new album comes out in June. His latest album came out in 2004. Since then, he went on broadway and married his stylist Tameka and had a baby, Usher Raymond V. His wife is a lot older than he is. (Scandalous.)He also came out with a new fragrance uSHEr and usHEr.
Mariah Carey's album E=MC^2 comes out in April. It stands for Emancipation of Mariah Cary again. Her last album was The Emancipation of Mimi. I don't know what she is being emancipated from. Maybe herself?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring Break
This spring break I went to the Dominican Republic with my family. Sadly, I did not see any celebrities (there are lots of good baseball players from this country). Here's what I did:
-Ate a lot because the resort was all-inclusive and we mostly ate a buffet and the food was really good. They had mangos, passion fruit, pancakes, and omlettes.
-Put on sunscreen hastily such that I got a blotchy sunburn on the first day.
-Played beach volleyball. Played against old people, little kids, Canadians, Germans, Uraguayians, Slovenians, people from Pennsylvania..........
-Watched the Badger Men's Basketball team because they get American channels down there.
-Tried windsurfing but it was too hard.
-Went into the towns and met a farming family that produced coffee and cocoa beans.
-Unfortunately it was windy and Holy Week so we couldn't go out on boats and it was hard to swim in the ocean. We also couldn't go scuba diving.
-Watching my mother make bad attempts at speaking Spanish with the locals.
-Watching the staff at the hotel teaching water arobics to drunk people in the pool.
-Hitting a little kid in the gronads with one of my spikes playing volleyball.
-Dominicans are really nice and funny.
-The beaches were disappointing.
-The Dominican Republic is very differnt from Haiti even though they are on the same island.
-Ate a lot because the resort was all-inclusive and we mostly ate a buffet and the food was really good. They had mangos, passion fruit, pancakes, and omlettes.
-Put on sunscreen hastily such that I got a blotchy sunburn on the first day.
-Played beach volleyball. Played against old people, little kids, Canadians, Germans, Uraguayians, Slovenians, people from Pennsylvania..........
-Watched the Badger Men's Basketball team because they get American channels down there.
-Tried windsurfing but it was too hard.
-Went into the towns and met a farming family that produced coffee and cocoa beans.
-Unfortunately it was windy and Holy Week so we couldn't go out on boats and it was hard to swim in the ocean. We also couldn't go scuba diving.
-Watching my mother make bad attempts at speaking Spanish with the locals.
-Watching the staff at the hotel teaching water arobics to drunk people in the pool.
-Hitting a little kid in the gronads with one of my spikes playing volleyball.
-Dominicans are really nice and funny.
-The beaches were disappointing.
-The Dominican Republic is very differnt from Haiti even though they are on the same island.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
I read the article about what's wrong with most people's blogs, and it made wonder how often web pages get deleted. Obviously, people are creating new web pages as we speak, but how often do people delete them? For instance, if I closed down my blogger account, would my blog disappear? It just seems that usually having more information on the internet is a good thing, but having really old websites around that nobody reads anymore clutters up the internet. If I created a web page for a business and my business shut down, I might leave the website up because I am lazy. Then people would still visit the site and be frustrated when they realize it's outdated. Has anyone thought about this before? The internet is getting too big and it's driving me crazy!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
New Direction
I don't think I'm going to write about celebrities anymore simply because it takes too much work to write about them. I'll think of a new direction for my blog this weekend. For now, I need to finish up my research proposal. Since the topic of research papers are on my mind right now, that's what I'll talk about. A lot of this stuff I'll probably put in my process log, but maybe I'll write about it here to share with everyone.
I agree that it's important to write research papers as a student, but there are some obvious obstacles in doing this that deserve to be discussed. As students it's hard to do enough research on a topic. Most articles in journals or online are written by people who have a PhD in the subject. Sure, journalists have to write newspaper articles in a short period of time on subjects they are unfamiliar with, but those are usually news reports that don't try to make an argument; if they are making an argument, it usually has a neutral point of view. It's hard to do enough research to be able to critique literature that have authors who have studied the topic more than us.
Another problem is that it is hard to do research other than library work. I don't have any personal connections to anyone in the field I am studying, I don't have any money, tools or time to do my own investigations. And if I do find someone to interview, some probably wont be to interested in helping me because I'm a mere student who is not going to publish this paper.
Finally, even if I do formulate a strong argument for my paper, how can I be sure that it is original? There are too many articles out there for me to read all of them. Unless my topic is really obscure, there is probably someone out there with a mind similar to mine.
Again, I see the value in writing research papers, but sometimes I think the expectations are a little unrealistic.
I agree that it's important to write research papers as a student, but there are some obvious obstacles in doing this that deserve to be discussed. As students it's hard to do enough research on a topic. Most articles in journals or online are written by people who have a PhD in the subject. Sure, journalists have to write newspaper articles in a short period of time on subjects they are unfamiliar with, but those are usually news reports that don't try to make an argument; if they are making an argument, it usually has a neutral point of view. It's hard to do enough research to be able to critique literature that have authors who have studied the topic more than us.
Another problem is that it is hard to do research other than library work. I don't have any personal connections to anyone in the field I am studying, I don't have any money, tools or time to do my own investigations. And if I do find someone to interview, some probably wont be to interested in helping me because I'm a mere student who is not going to publish this paper.
Finally, even if I do formulate a strong argument for my paper, how can I be sure that it is original? There are too many articles out there for me to read all of them. Unless my topic is really obscure, there is probably someone out there with a mind similar to mine.
Again, I see the value in writing research papers, but sometimes I think the expectations are a little unrealistic.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Ted Turner is Protecting Your Family
My first celebrity of my celebrities making a difference category is Ted Turner. In high school, I did a report on how he got his start. He was one of the first to grasp the potential for network television, and made most of his money by starting tv channels such as CNN, TNT, and Turner Classic Movies. He is not an entertainer or sports figure, but he is a billionaire with a cowboy attitude. What I did not learn about him until now is that he has started a lot of charities. His philonthropic projects are concerned with very ambitious global problems: the enivoronment/animals, world safety, and human rights. Rather than giving money to existing charities, he has started his own. The most interesting are the United Nations Foundation and the Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Ted Turner started the United Nations Foundation about ten years ago because the United Nations would not accept donations from individuals. He pledged 1 billion dollars, but delayed some of his payments when AOL Time Warner's stock fell. He even offered to pay some of the US's debt to the United Nation's. (I have no idea how the US can get into debt with the UN, or what the UN can do about it.) Anyways, the money has gone to the causes that the UN deals such as peacekeeping and aid to poor populations.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative seemed interesting because I had never heard of a charity concerned with nuclear terrorism. I had always thought of this topic as something that only countries can address. But NTI has supporters and cooperates with many different contries. I guess there might be a benefit for a an organization to address nuclear safety when there is nothing else on the political agenda. They have been partially responsible for eliminating highly enriched uranium in Serbia, setting up stronger security for the storage of nuclear material, and have funded the emergency response team for the World Health Organizes which is set up to address any rapid spread of a disease.
Bravo Ted Turner, I am going to do my part by watching your channels more often.
Ted Turner started the United Nations Foundation about ten years ago because the United Nations would not accept donations from individuals. He pledged 1 billion dollars, but delayed some of his payments when AOL Time Warner's stock fell. He even offered to pay some of the US's debt to the United Nation's. (I have no idea how the US can get into debt with the UN, or what the UN can do about it.) Anyways, the money has gone to the causes that the UN deals such as peacekeeping and aid to poor populations.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative seemed interesting because I had never heard of a charity concerned with nuclear terrorism. I had always thought of this topic as something that only countries can address. But NTI has supporters and cooperates with many different contries. I guess there might be a benefit for a an organization to address nuclear safety when there is nothing else on the political agenda. They have been partially responsible for eliminating highly enriched uranium in Serbia, setting up stronger security for the storage of nuclear material, and have funded the emergency response team for the World Health Organizes which is set up to address any rapid spread of a disease.
Bravo Ted Turner, I am going to do my part by watching your channels more often.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
From Miami to Pheonix
I don't want this to be a sports blog, but I have to write about my favorite athlete of all time: The Big Aristotle aka The Big Deisel aka Shaq Daddy. He got traded from Miami to Phoenix this past week for Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks. I watched his press conference and had several ruminations.
I first thought of the situation from the perspective of Mr. O'Neal who obviously wanted to be traded. The Miami Heat did not look like they were going to win another championship. Even though he won a championship with them a couple years ago, he is more interested in getting another ring than remaining on the sinking ship that he had one glorious voyage on. This is not surprising because he has been traded twice before for similar reasons. He seemed happy in the press conference to be with the Pheonix Suns primarily because of Steve Nash. The top three guards in the NBA are probably Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, and Dwane Wade. Now Shaq can say that he plays/played with all of them.
Then I thought about the trade from each of the team's perspectives. The Heat will not make the playoffs this year, so they would rather rebuild the team with a younger player in Shawn Marion. I understand that. But why would the Suns want Shaq? He is always injured. He doesn't fit in to the fast paced offence. They already have a good forward named Amare Stoudemire.
I look forward to seeing what the Suns look like with their new addition. Even if it turns out poorly, it will be better than cheering for the lowly Heat.
I first thought of the situation from the perspective of Mr. O'Neal who obviously wanted to be traded. The Miami Heat did not look like they were going to win another championship. Even though he won a championship with them a couple years ago, he is more interested in getting another ring than remaining on the sinking ship that he had one glorious voyage on. This is not surprising because he has been traded twice before for similar reasons. He seemed happy in the press conference to be with the Pheonix Suns primarily because of Steve Nash. The top three guards in the NBA are probably Steve Nash, Kobe Bryant, and Dwane Wade. Now Shaq can say that he plays/played with all of them.
Then I thought about the trade from each of the team's perspectives. The Heat will not make the playoffs this year, so they would rather rebuild the team with a younger player in Shawn Marion. I understand that. But why would the Suns want Shaq? He is always injured. He doesn't fit in to the fast paced offence. They already have a good forward named Amare Stoudemire.
I look forward to seeing what the Suns look like with their new addition. Even if it turns out poorly, it will be better than cheering for the lowly Heat.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I was reading other people's blogs in the class, and some of them introduced themselves which I thought was a good idea. My name is Steve. I'm the really tall kid who comes in late sometimes because I have a class in Engineering Hall right before this one. The elevators are slow. I don't think I'll be late anymore because I figured out that it is faster to run up six flights of stairs. I am interested in everything, so feel free to talk to me about anything. If you are not in my class and don't know what I am talking about, why are you reading my blog?
Stetson Man
I also noticed that he has done some print advertisements for Stetson Cologne. This is a coincidence because my profile picture for my wetpaint account was also a Stetson man, Mr. Matthew McConaughey. So maybe my next post will be about him. 

Superbowl Sunday

Since today is Superbowl Sunday, I will write about one of its main contestants, Tom Brady. As you probably know, he did not come out as the victor. However, this is not a big deal because he has already won the Superbowl before, and he still has a interesting life off the football field.
For instance, he has a girlfriend, Gisele, who is a model. OK, maybe that's not too surprising. There are a lot of NFL quarterbacks who have dated models. The first that comes to mind is Tony Romo who is dating model Jessica Simpson. You may say that she is a singer/actress and not a model. But I believe her looks have been more beneficial to her career than her vocal/acting skills.
Back to Tom Brady. So he just had a son (not Gisele's), his foot was injured, and he had to prepare for the Superbowl. So he must have been spending a lot of time taking care of those issues. Right? Probably, but there are also some recent photos of him walking around with his girlfriend. These photos may not seem very interesting, but I noticed a peculiarity. I am probably not the first to notice this, but he seems to have loyalty to both the Yankees and the Red Sox. As you can see, he has worn both of the teams baseball caps. I can understand wearing the baseball caps of two different teams, but not when the two teams are the biggest rivals in baseball. I've never heard of anyone who is a Yankees and Red Sox fan. That just doesn't make sense.
My only explantion is that he plays for the Patriots. They play near Boston. And his girlfriend lives in New York. So maybe he wants to look like a local wherever he goes. That is the extent of my investigative reporting.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
First Post
As you can see, this is my first post. Testing 123. Testing 123. Much more excitement is yet to come.
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